<aside> 💡 TL;DR: Writers create content in the form of blog posts, articles, and other written materials. They also interpret, review, and provide feedback on existing content. Writers need to have strong writing and editing skills, as well as an understanding of the format and style of different types of content.


You've already read this, so let's go into further detail. ⬇️

Who is this direction for?

Do you have a passion for writing that goes beyond the ordinary? Or, do you enjoy explaining complex topics in an easy-to-understand way? Are you an expert when it comes to writing technical articles? Do you believe that blockchain games have the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry? If so, then the path you should take is clear - join us at Ten and share your knowledge with the world! We'll give you the tools to explain how Ten can make that happen. Let's work together 🙋🏻!

You'll need to have strong writing and editing skills, as well as an understanding of the format and style of different types of content. Being able to craft engaging narratives that capture the attention of your audience and effectively convey the desired message is also a must. You'll also need to be creative, have the ability to adapt to feedback from community members 🤝, and be able to stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry 📈.

<aside> 👉🏻 But! If you're new to writing and want to give it a try, you've come to the right place! We're here to help you learn, give you feedback, and work together to help you improve your work. Let's get started!


Translators🌐, don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! It allows you to localize content in a way that captures all of the original nuances, idioms, and complex terms. This is especially helpful when the text is intended for a particular audience or region, as it makes sure the localized version will be easily understood and without any potential misunderstandings. So, the extra effort put into localizing content can pay off with an accurate, effective, and successful translation.

To conclude, this direction is ideal for:

  1. 📝 Blog posts writers. (Musketeers Only)
  2. 💻 Tech articles writers. (Musketeers Only)
  3. 🌐 Translators.
  4. 🔍 Proofreaders.
  5. 🗣 AMA/Events/Q&A/etc. shorthanders

Translation Tracking Table Guidelines

You can access the table here

If you have translated or proofread any of the content in the table, you are required to fill out the relevant forms below. Contribution reviews are conducted based on these forms:

**Translator Contribution Form Proofreader Contribution Form**